What you must know before your dermal filler appointment with Dr. Aaron Stanes

Dermal fillers are volumising gels (i.e., they add volume to the area in which they are injected). They are temporary (wearing off gradually over time) and reversible (performed with a simple injection of dissolver).

Dermal fillers have variable longevity, lasting from 6-18 months on average. The longevity is affected by the type, as well as your own innate metabolism. New studies have shown that HA fillers may last many years in some people.

The dermal filler used for your treatment will be chosen based on its specific properties. Ideally, these properties should closely resemble the tissue the filler is being injected to augment.

More viscous (thicker) fillers tend to last longer, however using them in the wrong area may lead to an unpleasant appearance and feel. This is most commonly seen when using filler made to simulate bone in the lips with the goal of longer lasting results. This should be avoided.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dermal filler

Everyone will need different types and volumes of dermal filler based on the areas of concern, and what their goals are.

When making an informed decision about your treatment, the most important things to consider are:

  1. Your tolerance for risk and downtime.
  2. Your budget (this will dictate how much treatment, and therefore how much of a result can be performed/achieved).
  3. Your expectations (how much of a result you want).

About the cost and expectations around your treatment

Generally, the higher your expectations, the more you will need to budget, and the more involved your treatment will be. If you have a low tolerance for risk or downtime, or a limited budget, then your results will be more subtle.

The cost of your treatment will be determined by a combination of the following:

  1. The areas treated.
  2. The complexity of each area treated.
  3. The extent of treatment in each area.
  4. The type of product required.
  5. The amount of product required.
  6. Your expectations for results.

Cosmetic treatments are an art based on an imprecise science. No matter how experienced your practitioner, there will always be a degree of variability in the results. A skilled practitioner will reduce this variability as much as possible, but it cannot be eliminated.

Final Thoughts

Generally, your results should be as expected. However, results exist on a continuum between too conservative a treatment (‘I don’t see a difference’ or ‘enough of a difference’), and too aggressive (‘this looks fake and unnatural’). Whilst the sweet spot in between is always the goal, it is preferable to be more conservative than more aggressive. This is because performing additional treatment is easier and more predictable than reversing what has been over-done.


Treatment specific information:

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (Nose Fillers)

  1. Overtreating the nose will lead to distortion of the natural shape and contour, and accordingly must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, a minimum of 9 months is required between nose filler treatments. The only exception to this is the primary treatment ‘top-up’ that can be done within three months of your first treatment with Dr. Stanes.
  2. Approximately 10-20% of people require the top-up treatment.
  3. If you have had nose filler performed elsewhere and it has not been properly done, it may need to be dissolved prior to having the non-surgical rhinoplasty with Dr. Stanes.
  4. The average longevity of the result is 1-2 years, wearing off gradually over time.
  5. Generally, the more treatments you have, the longer your results will last (up to a limit).
  6. If you cease maintaining your results they will eventually wear off, leaving you with your old nose.

Lip Enhancement (Lip Fillers)

  1. Overtreating the lips leads to an increased risk of filler migration beyond the red border of the lip. This must be avoided.
  2. Achieving a nice lip enhancement is best done in stages if a more pronounced result is desired.
  3. You may not notice a significant difference after your first treatment, especially if you have naturally large lips.
  4. There is no set time in which you should have a ‘top-up’. Lip fillers may last many years, and topping up simply because a specific amount of time has elapsed will lead to overfilling. Judge the need for a maintenance treatment based on how your lips look, and how they feel to touch.
  5. Everyone will need slightly different volumes. 0.5ml and 1ml options are simply marketing tools. Very few people need exactly these amounts.
  6. Beware clinics openly offering 0.5ml treatments. Ask yourself what happens with the other 0.5ml. Perhaps you are receiving the second half of someone else’s half-used syringe of filler?
  7. Many results you see online of lip filler treatments are accentuated due to swelling. Certain techniques yield more pronounced swelling which can give the appearance of highly defined lips (Such as the Russian technique), but do not yield better final results.
  8. A properly performed lip enhancement should have only mild discomfort.

Under-Eye Treatment

  1. Under eye treatment is complex. Dark circles and hollows may exist due to a combination of poor skin quality/skin excess, skin pigmentation and volume deficiency of the cheek, temples and under eye. Only by adequately addressing all causes will the best results be achieved.
  2. Dermal fillers address volume deficiency, but are not suitable for everyone (particularly those with poor skin quality).
  3. You may require fillers to correct volume deficiency of the cheek and temple as a component of your treatment
  4. The delicate nature of the under-eye skin mandates a conservative approach when injecting filler in this area. If too much filler is injected in one session, there is a high probability of lumps, swelling and blue discolouration of the skin.
  5. Accordingly, after your first session you may be underwhelmed at the degree of improvement. This is normal, as most under eye corrections with filler should be done over multiple sessions.
  6. To further improve your under-eye area, you may require laser, skin tightening, or rarely, skin excision.

Have Questions?

By choosing Dr. Aaron, you will be treated by one of Australia’s leading anti ageing & cosmetic physicians. As a fierce advocate of holistic and personalised care, he will work with you to design a bespoke treatment plan, tailored to your unique needs.

Dr. Aaron sells results, not treatments. Be confident in knowing that Dr. Aaron will guide you on your self-improvement journey, and ensure that you leave every appointment understanding all aspects of your treatment.

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